Sunday, March 28, 2010

Parktown Loses in Second Half!

When a game begins with "Who is going to be goalie? Where's Janet? Who wants to play defense? Where's Wade? and Let's play defensively!" you know your team is not as psyched up as it should be to play their best first half. The team played "Chaotically" and let in 2 goals before Wade and others showed up.

So, in the second half, we were able to turn it around and show Parktown who was boss. Lila assisted an excellent goal by Colleen. She also took a hard shot at the goalie's left side. Lori played an aggressive impressive turn as goalie. Angie and Anna and Lia were able to step up and make it 4 on offense as the team kept shuffling and changing who was pushing up. We scored twice. The final score (4 -2 ) was no indication of what is going to happen in playoffs. Parktown should forget the first half, and watch out for the change up we can play when needed!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

After the 1st 10K run by Chaos, the team realized they did not need a tournament to prove their worth. Not only did they run over Eclipse in the next game, they realized that you do not need a beer after every run you do...water did just fine! Sarah with an H, and Anna with a Super in front of her name, wanted me to mention them properly in the blog. If there are any other special requests, you can request all you want.

Boom, Boom, Boom ...3 in for us, 1 for them!

Chaos showed Eclipse who ruled the field. Two of the goals went in through the keeper's legs and 1 was in before she knew that Colleen had taken the shot! (And they were taking shots at Colleen...) With a bit of elbowing, pushing and complaining on their part, Eclipse was eclipsed in Sunday's game. Kirsten kindly took on goal in the second half. There was no grumbling among the forwards this time as Lori strategically was asked to play mid and stop all her constant bickering. Dianne's tailbone was once again sore from the game. Jane E. was a little tired in the midfield and is seen here in the photo resting on the field. Lila looked up once to pass to Sharon in front of the net. For more reports on the action in the box and on the field, please come and see for yourself as my view is always a little skewed. By the end of the game I can't even remember who we have played (too many headers) and therefor cannot lead the Hip, Hip, Hooray.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Chaos 1st Annual 10k Run! - Mids Rule!

The mids dominated the 10k run as Jane, Sarah and Lila moved in a pack of 3 along the river back making the 10k seem like a mere short shift in a soccer game. The defense and forwards, represented by Anna and Dianne kept pace with the fans, Barb and Wrigley, in an attempt to show Chaos that we all are fast and fantastic runners. Lori won the supportive role as table reserver at Grainfields restaurant. Jane is seen here enjoying her prize for her great run!

Chaos may not be able to score or shoot on a net, but we can run!!
See you all at the next 10K run!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

0-1 Lila Lets One In!

After about 5 minutes in net, Lila let a rebound in the net. However that is the last time she did so. The rest of the half she kept that area clean, cleared that ball, perhaps a bit too far, and earned enough respect to get the game award of a pocket calendar! Yesss... a prize. However the award was not spectacular enough to warrant wanting to play net again. Relieved that her turn was up, Lila went on to join the Chaos in the second half. Chaos lived up to their name as it really was chaotic out there! No scoring just a lot of running around.
Here is a link to a video of running in circles again. Its also shows the talents of Jen's son!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

0 - 0 Paula Gets Shutout!

Even though the goalies for the game were Jane and Kirsten, Paula managed to keep Linda's attempts at a goal, out of the opponents net, from her position on the ground. Lila tried for goal number 2 of the season with a high shot in the top corner but missed it by (............) that much! Hopefully she can keep goals out of the net tonight but Paula may have to play defense for that to happen. We'll see!

Lila has been reviewing this last great soccer save all afternoon.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What We Wish For All Our Soccer Team Players, Fans, Friends, and Families

Linda Assists, Lila Scores, Lia Cheers!

Lila scored her first goal of the season. Nothing else is important.
Click on the cheering heard at the time.
Sure Jane E. had 3 goals from both the left and right, Colleen was determined to get one in during a shift and didn't stop until she did, and Paula assisted more than usual hoping to get her name in the blog. Jane popped a knee but got up and played again thus proving how strong and undaunted our midfield is. Kirsten kicked in her own rebound showing the straight shooter she is. Anna tried to made defense look easy by moving the ball up several times proving that her weekend running is making a difference. Janet tried to make bonus money with Sharon's promise of a shutout reward. Everyone wanted the green clogs so some even pirhouetted for them. Sharon and Anna's new hairstyles might have gotten them recognition, but in the end, the only thing that mattered is that #22 got her name on the list of goal scorers leaving Lia and Angie the pressure to score from defense in the upcoming games.
See video on the cheering that occurred.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dianne Digs in Sunday's Success

With wide smiles and great grins, daring, diving Dianne dug the blasting ball out of the sizable soccer net! (A little alliteration for you!) Relieved to be finished first half, Dianne went out to steal second half and let Janet jostle the ballistic ball. Knocked numb in the nose, Janet jumped out of net again to let amiable Anna arm herself for the nefarious net position. Janet joined in again to steal the shutout spot on our chaotic Chaos Classics contest. Sharon shared goals with card-collecting Colleen and polished Paula. Brewed brown ale cooled Chaos down after the glorious game. Mild-mannered mids mourned the lousy Lila and Lia record of goalless games! Will it be a terrific Tuesday with a rrrroll-up-the-rrrrim to win repeat of last Sunday's success?? We'll c how chaos competes!