Sunday, February 27, 2011

We were playing Eclipse like we had binoculars on!

You should have seen us! We looked like this, but had a fun game:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Anna Turns 35 And Is Finally Able To Play at the Classics Level

One of our teamates is finally of age to play in Classics level. Here she is showing great enthusiasm for playing with us in full team uniform. She was "faced" with the challenge of having her cake and eating it too, only hoping not to add any calories to her trim figure in order that she might become the winner of the Biggest Loser challenge between her, Lila, Angie, and Janet. With help from some Naked grape wine, little "prickly" toothpicks, and a beautiful rendition of Antonio's bulge, Anna was able to enjoy her B'day in high style on Thursday night. She received an "old" timer, to keep track of her running times and she even got lai'd that evening.
We also won the soccer game, 2-0, with Angie performing excellently in goal and Lila performing okay as forward. (Sharon, Dianne, Lori, Barb & Jane, we are missing you out there!)
Here is a song celebrating soccer, never giving up, getting up when you fall, and losing weight when you gain!
(Bet you didn't know I was a Columbian singer)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chaos 2 - Eclipse 1

Somehow the win was not recorded correctly until recently, but we know better. Being the soccer babies (that we all are), Kirsten and Dianne were not going to let their goals go unnoticed. Also we were playing with the quick decision of "Colleen you are in net until Janet gets here!" to help us get a bit panicky at the start. Luckily Janet arrived and quickly had to leave afterwards. We all appreciated her effort to leave work and play for us. With most of us in full pink bandannas helping Jen feel like she was not the only one worried about a wig mishap, we played hard and well.

Perhaps next time, we can wear the same underwear in solidarity for our team members! Do you like the dark color or the light, more patriotic Italian look??

I myself like the unclothed look of Mr. Fabio Cannavaro, an Italian soccer player.

But I digress. We were discussing the last 3 wins by our team. Perhaps all our running is paying off in our playing. We agreed to meet on Christmas eve for a run and a coffee. More running over the break is scheduled to keep us in shape. Keep up the great work ladies!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lila Lofts With Her Left - Breezers Left Behind

A nice first goal sent the Breezers in a tailspin as Chaos took an early lead. With 2 goals and our goalie on fire, we took them by surprise. We played hard and they had to bring back a defender to defend against us. The score ended tied (2-2) but we outplayed them. All that really matters is that Lila scored with her left foot, even though we had no balls to warm up with and talked tirelessly through our warmup.

Friday, December 17, 2010

First Time Defeat for Parktown, First Time Lucky Goalie Shirt Works!

Yes, the 3 to 1 victory over Parktown made up for the pushing by the players, penalties by the ref, and the pleasantries exchanged with the ref by the coach (you were very tactful Wade).
We still out shot the goalie, Parktown Patty (too high for her to reach), outran and outsmarted the players, and generally were outstanding! They did even laugh at Janet's outlandish goalie shirt, bikini in full view. All we know is that they were out to get us and we were out to win!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Run For Your Life! - in Martensville

Here are the reigning champions of the race with their raving reviews of the run.
Team Chaos took gold, silver and bronze in the 28-29 age group.  Michelle fell at the feet of a good looking fireman (they were not shirtless as promised) and still finished in the medals. Lori and Anna were also on the podium. Dianne was a close fourth.  Lila finished in good form....was not last.  Barb and her tampon made it home together safely, lots of fun for all ....especially the 100 kilometre an hour head wind.
Later chicks. B

Celebration Get-Together will be this coming Saturday at 8:15 am at the fancy Broadway Roastery establishment - please bring your medals and injuries for show & tell! Please be prepared for photos, photos, photos !!
 Thanks Barb for the play by play of the day,  I just got back for a 45 minute bike ride with my hubby.  I am off to the tub with a cool one . Have a good week see most of you Saturday for our celebration.
Hey 10K participants,
Are any of you sore today? or are you ready to go at it (run) again?
My hamstrings are a bit sore, that's all.
Hey all runners and Chaos wannabe runners in the Martensville 10K,
Even I made it and I only got a wee tiny blister on the side of my foot. (Luckily I kick with my right foot.) 
Warning: Do not scroll down if you do want to see foot picture!

I let the other girls get the medals this year so they will return again. We all agreed and slowed way down, so Lori could win. I even ran a detour up and down a mountain so she could pass me.

Meanwhile my son was playing football in the homecoming game in town and got the only 2 touchdowns of the game. I missed his 80 yard run in front of the home crowd. We thought the cheering fans were cheering for the 10K runners. So I let him have all the glory and I got the blister.
I have sympathy for anyone suffering from arthritis because my hands hurt like a #%^&$!! today.  Good thing I don't need them for running though...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Chaos Beats Up as Majestics Heat Up!

Actually we beat them to the ball, let them score a goal for us and then cooled off with our own fan. The 4 - 0 score indicated who was ready to play in that sauna. Colleen scored our first goal even though her cat peed all over her uniform before the game! Paula came in late enough to join us on field without having to play goal. She scored the other 2 goals although Dianne and Linda had many nice chances. Linda's ankle gave her a wobble or 2 but she wouldn't give up. We just about phoned Deb with an emergency call so she would leave the fire hall and come play with us. Luckily we had "Parktown Patty" to pick up the defensive line and Jan Smith to cover the left side of the pitch. We are wondering if either of them can dance on a table so they can join us in a tournament. Las Vegas is calling our name! Dianne's duty is to find out more info on what that town can offer us. Do we play outdoors?? Do they carry size 11 shoes on sale?? What shows are on ??? How much do pitchers and nachos cost?? Can you wear boots with a bathing suit to the pool in the hotel?? Start saving your pennies girls. Maybe we can make a calendar for our fundraiser.
Where are we going next tournament? Stay tuned!